High Stakes Poker: Sebastian Ruthenberg Up $570,000 Over the Weekend


It was a good weekend to be high-stakes poker pro Sebastian Ruthenberg (pictured), who according to HighStakesDBwas up $570,000 total on Saturday and Sunday. He plays under the handle taktloss47on Full Tilt and raked in $209,000 on Saturday. The German followed that up with a $361,000 haul on Sunday.

The action on Sunday happened at Full Tilt’s Triple Draw tables, where Ruthenberg won $20,000 from Viktor Isildur1Blom at stakes of $500/$1,000. Then, it was on to a three-handed game that involved Phil Ivey and SanIker, the latter of whom Ruthenberg eventually took for $82,000. By the time he logged out of Full Tilt for the day, Ruthenberg was up $361,000, extending his bankroll by $570,000 for the weekend.

Ruthenberg has opted out of long-term tracking on HighStakesDB, but we do know that the site began following him in 2008. Over the last seven days, he has profited $569,000 from the high-stakes tables. His largest pot played was worth $86,000 and came in March 2014 at a $1,000/$2,000 Draw table on Full Tilt.

According to the Hendon Mob, Ruthenberg is #13 on the German all-time money list at $3.4 million in live tournament winnings, the bulk of which came after a victory at EPT Barcelona in 2008 for a whopping $1.9 million. He finished third in the EPT Dortmund Main Event the year before for $288,000, won a bracelet in Seven Card Stud High-Low at the WSOP in 2008, and finished 55th in the 2011 WSOP Main Event. However, he has not recorded a live tournament score since the end of 2011.

Ruthenberg is a former sponsored pro of PokerStars.

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