15 Bigs: Stephen Song – The EPT and WSOP Champion Takes On Our Tantalising Poker Teasers

A World Series of Poker bracelet winner, as well as an EPT and WPT Prime champion, Stephen Song had enjoyed a phenomenal career since his first live cash back in 2016. In recent years, Song has become one of the most bankable poker players in tournaments around the world, with a phenomenal record of success. He’s also one of PokerStake’s biggest winners, scooping huge scores which he’s shared with investors from around the world.

Can Stephen Song defeat our 15 Bigs, though? Tournament play relies on a tight but aggressive stance when you’re down to 15 Bigs and our questions are just as testing. Can Stephen meet each one with good humor and find the truth? Will he double up or fold under the pressure? It’s time to see if one of our biggest champions has what it takes to go the distance.

You’re on a long-haul flight and can only choose one TV Show or Movie to watch on repeat, which is your pick?

Right now, I’d choose Breaking Bad because I have to rewatch it and I haven’t finished it. You have to go back a few episodes to refresh and it’s hard. I’ll get to it!

Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad Beat? Stephen just needs to get to the next episode.

If you were stranded on a desert island with one book for company, what would it be?

I haven’t read a book in the last three years. I guess.. The Bible. It would keep me busy.

What’s the song you could listen to on repeat forever?

It changes so often… but one that I keep coming back to is Remember the Name by Fort Minor

Any song with lyrics like ‘10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, an 100% reason to remember the name’ has obvious appeal to a poker professional! What’s your favourite place to play poker and why?

Right now, it’s the PokerGO Studio. It’s so convenient. If you’d asked me three or four months ago, though, it would have been Cyprus. I really like the resort, it’s all inclusive. The food’s really good, people are reasonably friendly. I mean, sometimes, they only speak Russian… but that’s cool too!

If you were to be shot at dawn, what would be your last meal and drink?

A ginger ale for my drink, ah, actually I’ll have a beer. For my meal, probably Korean barbecue.

Korean BBQ
Korean BBQ is Stephen’s choice for his final meal.

Where’s your favourite non-poker holiday destination?

I liked Switzerland a lot. I recently went with my fiancé to the Maldives too, that was nice. I wasn’t that impressed by the food  but the resorts are amazing.

You can play poker every day for a year or play no poker for a whole 12 months – which do you choose?

Every day, for sure! Can I one-table an online tournament in bed? Does that count?

Never let it be said that Stephen isn’t thinking around corner. OK, who is the person you don’t have around anymore that you miss the most?

I think everyone in my life is still around. I don’t think anyone has passed yet.

Which person would you most like to meet but never have?

I’m chill with who I know now. No-one in poker, no celebrities, I don’t pay attention to the world of actors or celebrities any more, I’m too focused on my own things.

Talking of your own things, when was the last time life put you on tilt?

All the time! Traffic in particular; missing the lights because some guy’s really slow. At the table, I’m usually fine. Anything when I’m driving and I’m wasting time.

Song Rage
Song rage! Stephen cannot stand slow-moving traffic.

If you couldn’t play the WSOP Main Event next year, which family member would you put into the action in your place?

I guess my Dad, but it wouldn’t be the best spot! He’s the only family member who can play.

What’s your best poker skill?

I’m pretty good with emotional intelligence and being able to read a table vibe.

And your biggest leak?

My biggest leak is probably wanting to call too much. One of the things I’ve adjusted is that if I think it’s really close and I want to call, I can force myself to fold.

If you could make one rule change to poker, what would it be?

Instead of a shot clock, they need a chess clock but it’s hard to do. It’s dumb where people can take 20 seconds every hand and not get punished.

You have just ten seconds with the person of your dreams… what do you say?

My fiancée! I love you, I hope you’re doing well – she’s in Florida right now with her family – I can’t wait to get married!

Remembering those family members who helped him to get to where he is charmed us, and we didn’t even need converting to the glories of Korean barbecue. Whether it’s a vast tournament field or a PokerGO high roller, we’d back Stephen Song all the way. As far as we can establish, his only weakness is not having seen the end of Breaking Bad.


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